A: What is Multi-skills?

What are multi-skills and multi-skills clubs?

  • According to Morley (2009, p.19) “Multi-skills relates to the development of movement skills such as balance, co-ordination, reaction and timing:” which are the blocks of sport and physical education.
  • Multi-skills embraces the use of movement skills in a none-sports specific manner (Morley, 2009).
  • Multi-skills clubs provide the opportunities for young people to participate in non-sports specific activities outside the NCPE and of school hours (Youth Sport Trust, 2010b)
  • Multi-skills is an highly effective approach that counteracts early-specialisation into sport (Morley, 2010), and provides those involved with a variety of skills that can prolong involvement in sport.
  • Multi-skills are divided into 5 key areas: social, personal, cognitive, creative and physical.
  • Morley (2009) has described the multi-skills approach as “one of the most successful branding exercises in physical education and sport” (p.19).